Friday, August 1, 2008

PCGA Marketing Subcommittee Update

Hi, as well as being Chairman of the Data Research subcommittee I am also Chair for the Marketing subcommittee which is responsible for communications, member recruiting and events.

To date we have been busy in a number of areas. We are excited that very shortly we will be able to unveil our new logo for the organization. This takes longer than might be supposed, the design has to work across a wide variety of formats and backgrounds, be acceptable to all, be registered, etc. We are pleased with it and look forward to sharing it with everyone soon.

In addition to the logo we have also been working on a schedule of events and the PCGA will be officially attending the Leipzig Games Convention where our President, Randy Stude from Intel will be presenting an update on our activities and we will be holding an industry ‘meet-n-greet’ reception. The PCGA will also be at NVISION, , details for that will follow and we are looking at other events for the fall.

Finally, we are working with TriplePoint PR to help us grow membership and better communicate to the industry, the press and the public about the work of the organization.

If you have ideas about how we can better communicate, or if you know of events you feel we should participate in then please do post below. We read your posts and discuss them so please voice your opinions.

Many thanks,

Roy Taylor
CTO, PC Gaming Alliance
Marketing Subcommittee Chair